Student Teaching Success- Now What?!

Thanks for stopping by again today! We're moving on to part 4 of our series but first: 

Part 5: Now What?!

So you've finished.  It's probably a bittersweet feeling.  Below are some options and ideas to help you get started for what you might want to do next: 

DO - Keep in Touch
  • Your cooperating teacher and principal will serve as vital references for future jobs. Like I mentioned in the last part make sure to leave on a good note! 
    • They can let you know of future positions!
  • Schedule a visit esp. if you student teach in the fall for a special performance or other event at school to see students and staff at school.  Make sure this is an after school event or something the public is invited to since you are not in the school anymore.
DO - Sign up for Substitute lists
  • If you don't already have a position, sign up for sub lists in your district and surrounding schools if your district is small. Subbing is a valuable time to make connections to MANY school personnel.  Leaving a good impression is vital.  This also gives you a feel for the school and if you might want to work there in the future.
  • Subbing is not exactly like a regular classroom.  Some days are really tough unfortunately but it is probably the best experience I've had because I can apply everything I have learned even when the class is tough. 
  • Here's a link to a Freebie to help organize all your jobs - job list
  • My Go-To game for subbing - saved me many a time.  

DO -Start the job hunt and prepare for interviews
  • start your portfolio to take to interviews.  You can see mine here.  Gather resources you can take to interviews that can give you talking points. 
  • look at this post for a great website that can really help with this transitional time in your career.  Trust me- even I submitted some questions for this site.  Run by principals it is super relevant information. 
  • Start looking at sites that have job postings.  Bookmark them  and refer to them often.  Schools have different timelines but generally in the spring jobs will post all the way through the start of school.  
  • Get a teacher ready wardrobe!
  • There is a ton of resources for sample interview questions even for teachers.  Start with standard questions and practice answering them.  

From there you'll be on your way to landing a job!

I have a big announcement to conclude the series coming soon! I hope you have learned a few things you can do to be successful.  Share it with anyone you think would find it beneficial!


  1. You are doing an excellent job on these!
    Lessons With Coffee

  2. As someone going into a year long co-teaching experience next year all of your student teaching success posts have been great at calming some of my nerves and answering questions! Thank you!

    Funds of Knowledge


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