#Hashtag Book Awards

Who wants to INCREASE engagement in BOOK TALKS?!

I love talking about books and take a status of the class daily on my checklist - just quickly jotting down the page number the student read to (goodbye reading logs!!) and we discuss brief events and summaries if they are finished so they can share with the class.

I do this periodically throughout the day as well when I get a few moments or during silent reading time using Reading Conference questions to guide my questioning along with some comprehension and their plan for reading next as well.

Book talks no matter the form are essential to get students EXCITED about reading! I love that they can be applied to any level and therefore any grade!!!

I threw in a new element recently of #Hashtag Book Awards!  My students were just introduced to my students during review for another subject but they love them so I thought why not add them to our book talks!

These can work in a variety of ways but I'll tell you what has worked for me and what you might want to do in your classroom!

You can use awards for the whole year and keep a checklist that students nominate! Easy but must be managed.  I use this as part of a reading station in my room.

You can use awards monthly - introduce the hashtag and have students nominate their books (using the nomination form - to get in some writing and prove why their book deserves to win) then as a class vote at the end of the month.  I think this gives students enough time to read the books that are being buzzed about and time to get enough in throughout the year.  This is what works best for my class this year.  We focus on one genre at a time as well so this can help us focus on that more indepth.  I love reading their reasoning behind their selections.  Always do the COVETED #lovethatbook award anyway at the end for the favorite book of the class.

You could also have this be done after every book a student reads - what hashtag would you give it and why.  I already find students hashtag during their notes they take on books to help remember :)

The pack comes with a blank template, nomination and voting forms or just use this as a jumping off point for discussion.  Just plug in the book title, draw a cover or print a picture and go.

These are easy on colored ink but can be done in b/w or 1/2 sheets to save color and space!

I love having the #lovethatbook award for years to come kind of like a wall of fame - seeing how it changes throughout the years!  I make the rule that students can't vote unless they read the book as well.  You could vote on your best read aloud from the year to make it more fair.

The absolute best benefit would be the BUZZ it creates in our room!  Deciding which hashtag and thinking about some of those elements we normally wouldn't make it fun for students.  This could also replace the traditional end of year awards to a more reading focused ceremony and great reading closure for a class.

What is your best book talk tip?

1 comment

  1. How fun! My kids would be so in to this! Saving your great post as reference for next year. #anothergreatidea


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