On the Bandwagon

So I wanted to keep you updated on what I've been working on as of late. Yes there have been projects! I will post more classroom pictures SOON! I have some ready but wanted do to a big post rather than just a few.  I also will post about Science Night that I planned for our school it was CRAZY and awesome! Just waiting to get some pictures edited - there will be a ton!

Otherwise if you teach kindergarten you are in luck, I have been working on some great packs! The first is a Printable Pack (all the rage!) but for the WHOLE YEAR!

This pack is jam packed with 70 pages of awesome CCSS goodness.  The pages have the code at the top and are ready to print and go with your kiddos!

It's great to show kindergarten mastery and assess skills as well as a first grade review! So versatile! Go download the preview for some sample pages!

I almost forgot - the pack has no general theme so it can be used all year!

Second, if you love 10 frames in your class - you will love this!

We have been playing games all year but I wanted to add a little more flair and put all the games together so for next year I'll be a tad more organized.  These games are fantastic for those young learners starting out and great for independent centers! 

Here are some previews of the 10 games involved! They are all kindergarten concepts but could be used for review in first.  Many include differentiated recording sheets depending on the needs of your students.

Hope you check these out! What have you been learning lately? Look for pictures coming soon!

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