I posted about a Staff Easter Egg hunt on Instagram and many people were interested in how it worked. I don't have too many details but I will share what we plan to do in case you want to do something like this at your school!
First step, get approval. We don't have a morale/sunshine committee (we are tiny!) and I know I have seen this idea somewhere....maybe not a staff one...but workplace nonetheless. I asked my principal if this is something we could do this year and I would just take charge of it. I know it is extremely busy in the office and with testing season coming up, I figured I could plan.
I love these morale boosters as well!
These are from teacher to teacher - and they are FREE!

I also love the version for students because they need all the love we can give!

I love these morale boosters as well!
These are from teacher to teacher - and they are FREE!

I also love the version for students because they need all the love we can give!

I love that this idea is SO LOW COST!!
All you really need are eggs, and prizes. Most of our prizes are FREE and I also got those admin approved before putting in eggs so she knew what she was getting into. Prizes I chose are ones offered in some capacity before so I knew she would be ok with them. If one is too much or didn't get approved I just didn't put it in an egg.
List of Prizes:
- $5 Target Card
- $5 Starbucks
- Sharpie Pens
- dessert cooked by our class (we have a class reward coming up and they love this so we plan to cook for one teacher.) Yes we can cook at school....beside the point.
- coupons donated by McDonalds. I called the business office in our area and they mailed me some after explaining it was for teachers. These are my fillers to ensure everyone gets an egg! I planned to call Sonic too but didn't get a chance, they might have coupons as well.
- VIP parking
- 30 min class coverage (only 2 of those!)
- Free ice cream or soda (50 cents) included in each of those eggs because that is the cost at our school
- JEANS DAY passes
- Pizza or Grill - we have 1 local restaurant in our town so 4 people on the same day can order food from there for lunch and have it delivered.
- duty free lunch - eat in the faculty room! Wouldn't believe how much I want this one!!!
*Obviously, these need to be customized to fit your school and needs so I don't have a something you can print and easily use. Feel free to adapt or use any of these ideas to spread some school cheer!*
You could just print coupons and put them in eggs. You could hide them around school or just have teachers pull one from the lounge that day. I have a recording sheet typed up that coordinates with our coupons for our admin so she can record who gets prizes that she is in charge of. It just have blank lines and the prize names.
Some of the most desired prizes have a twist in their egg. Instead of the coupon inside a note will say, "Bunny Hop to the principal's office for your prize." If you are all together this would be even funnier! They are listed on the sheet so the principal knows what prize to give if they do that action :)
I think it will brighten up the day and make us work a little for those bigger prizes.
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- bunny hop to office for your prize
- announce to the group/office "Easter Bunny has been good to me this year!"
- Give bunny ears knowingly to 3 people
- high five 5 people before getting prize
- pretend you laid an egg for your prize (ha- might be too over the top)
- dance through a field of flowers for your prize
- cheep, cheep like a baby chick for your prize
- get 3 people to smell your pretend your spring bouquet of flowers for a prize
Overall, I think this costs around 20-30 to put together for our school with every staff member getting a prize. The coupons help a lot so everyone gets something. The admin still plays a big part of what teachers can receive but if you got more prizes donated this might be even more doable.
This would be a great idea for a PTO to sponsor at low costs or for any workplace!