Genre Tab Book

I feel like I can semi-breathe now that school is out!  My 6 month old keeps me pretty busy!  I have had this idea swimming in my head for SO LONG now!!  I did my long range plans for next year and since I organize my reading by genre for the year I wanted a product that promoted critical thinking but would be open ended enough to use with any story of that genre and thus the Genre Tab Book was born!  

This would make a great beginning of year or introduction to each genre book, a great end of year review,  an accompaniment to the 40 book challenge or perfect for Interactive notebooks and you could use the pages as the tabs for your notebook!

It includes 9 genres and 13 different skills along with most of the RI and RL  Common Core Strands!!  It doesn't get much better than that!

Each page contains the definition, characteristics of that genre, and open ended questions.  Use the QR code with a read aloud from that genre or use with any story from your reading series or classroom!

I'm so excited this finally got finished and I can put them into practice in our classroom next year - they will be a great tool to assess learning!

1 comment

  1. Just added this to my wish list on TpT, looking forward to doing this with my third graders next year.


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